Brad Hoover

age: 34 | Controller | Texarkana College


Texarkana College Controller Brad Hoover helps manage the financial operations of the institution, including fiscal systems and chart of accounts, preparation of reports, financial analysis and providing adequate controls over all systems. “My favorite part of this job is working with other faculty and staff to ensure Texarkana College remains financially secure in order to keep our mission intact, to increase the number of people in our region with a higher education credential,” Brad acknowledges.

Best piece of advice:


A graduate of Leadership Texarkana, Brad serves as the chair of the Finance Committee at First Baptist Church Wake Village, where he also serves in the pre-school area and greeter ministries. He also enjoys spending time with friends and family. “My greatest personal achievement is my family,” he explains. “My wife, Jessica, and I want to raise our two children, Koy and Ellisyn, in a Christian home and teach them to serve others before serving self.”

Name something about you that very few people know:

“I can be a practical joker if the situation presents itself.”